Omg!!! were do I start the first initial Homecoming with of course many more to come was crazy. I thought everybody and there mama plus grandma and grandchildren was there. Wow!!! The Breakfast Club brought a party like no other last night. It was so cray Ahficionados started the night out and got the party to its peak level. Then we had a special surprise for or begging to be loyal partygoers. DJ Goldfinger came on the 1&2's and wrecked shop . Brooklyn has not seen the likes of an event of this caliber since back in the day. Gold finger killed it, we great appreciate him coming back to his old stomping grounds. This was DJ Goldfingers first time DJing in his home borough. The night was filled with everyone from all over the city and all races. We all partied till 4am like it was 1999. This is what the Breakfast club is going to be bringing events like this each and every month through this whole summer so look for our next event "Homecoming Memorial Day Weekend"
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